One sunny aternoon, Ryan was at home with his dad. What seemed like a normal day was about to turn into an adventurous escapade. While his dad was busy with other chores, Ryan decided to seek out something exciting to do. He ran into the kitchen and spotted a box of matches. Filled with curiosity, he picked it up and felt a thrill. “I’m sure I can do something fun with these,” he thought to himself. Instead of thinking about the potential dangers, Ryan experimented by striking a match against the side of the box. At first, the small flame flickered gently, and Ryan's eyes widened with excitement. However, as he waved it around, the flame grew, and panic set in. Realizing the danger he was in, Ryan dropped the match onto the kitchen counter, where some paper lay nearby. In an instant, the small flame turned into a bigger fire, and Ryan’s heart raced. He shouted for his dad, who rushed in to see what was happening. With quick action, his dad grabbed a kitchen towel and smothered the flames, putting out the fire before it could spread. Shaken but safe, Ryan learned a valuable lesson that day about the dangers of playing with fire. His dad sat him down and explained how important it is to be careful and respect fire. From that day on, Ryan understood that some things are better left alone, and he promised to be more responsible in the future.