Country life is better than city life. Rural life is living secluded with nature and animals. City life is a lot of tall buildings, with no nature, plants or animals. So I think rural life is better than city life. To live a peaceful and relaxed life, I would choose the rural life.

Firstly, I strongly believe that life in the countryside is better than life in the city because in rural life you can smell the fresh air and see beautiful animals and nature outside your door. your notebook. Then you can enjoy the outback. You don't have to deal with pollution in rural life. I definitely believe that life in the countryside is better than life in the city because you can go out and play on the green lawn and see the nature plus relax. Then you can have peace and quiet.

Finally, I fully believe that life in the countryside is better than life in the city because there is not much traffic and noise in the morning and afternoon. Then you won't get sick from hearing a lot of traffic.