Note: You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully.

Gerald told me recently that you have put in an offer on a house on Paxman Muse, just around the corner from me, and I thought I’d let you know a couple of things.
We’ve been experiencing problems associated with a noticeable rise in crime in the area, particularly car theft and burglary. This has been happening to us and our neighbours for over a year now, and my wife and I have been desperate to leave the area. We have chosen to rent a house somewhere nicer, and I thought I’d advise you to do the same.
The current property prices do not reflect the changes that have occurred in the area over the last twelve months, and I fear that you would be making a bad investment. We were considering a place in nearby Dimbleby; it’s quite small, but that means that high crime is unlikely.
Wherever you decide to live, I just wanted you to know that I would advise against moving here, as I think you deserve something better.
Your friend,
Direction: As if you are Margaret, read the letter and give a suitable response.