Giúp mình với. Cảm ơn nhìuThe festival was held in the communal house yard about one kilometer away from the river. There were three competitions: water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking. In the water-fetching contest, one person from each team had to run to the river to get the water. In the fire-making contest, two team members had to make a fire in the traditional way. Six people from each team took part in the rice-cooking contest. They had to separate the rice from the husk...
Đọc tiếp
Giúp mình với. Cảm ơn nhìu
The festival was held in the communal house yard about one kilometer away from the river. There were three competitions: water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking. In the water-fetching contest, one person from each team had to run to the river to get the water. In the fire-making contest, two team members had to make a fire in the traditional way. Six people from each team took part in the rice-cooking contest. They had to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.
1) Where was the rice-cooking festival held?
2) How many competitions were there in the festival?
3) How was the fire made?
4) How many people from each team took part in the water-fetching contest?
IV/ Rewrite these following sentences as directed.
1. "Are you a doctor?". Nam asked me.
@ Nam asked me if.....................................................................................................................................................
2. My mother bought me a present yesterday.
@A present.................................................................................................................................................................
3. They pass all the exams. They are lucky.
@They are...................................................................................................................................................................
4. I study English because I want to read books in English.
@I study English so as to.................................................................................................................
happily / if / people / more / there / war / live / would / no /were
If there were no war , people would live more happily .
english speakers / increasing / the / fast / of / number / world / in / the / in.
Number of English speakers in the world increasing fast .
will / 20 year's time /all / done / housework / by / our / robots / be / in
*Sửa 1 trong 2 từ be thành by mới làm được nhé
All our housework will be done by robots in 20 year's time .
happily / if / people / more / there / war / live / would / no /were
+ If there were no war people would be more happy
english speakers / increasing / the / fast / of / number / world / in / the / in.
=> The number of English speaking people in the world is increasing fast
will / 20 year's time /all / done / housework / be / our / robots / be / in
All our housework will be done by robots in 20 years' time