Water is one of the four requirements for life on earth belong with energy, breathable air ( or oxygen). But water is not an unlimited sources, today the growth of industrial and household wasted has led to water pollution which is a serious problem and that makes water undrinkable. In many parts of the world, water sources are becoming more polluted. And it leads to a lot of bad consequences. First, water pollution has negative impacts upon human who threw trashed into the river and ocean. As far as I knew, three to four of earth is surface by water, so if you threw trash into that source of water, and that is much more serious than you think, it could cause a lot of disease such as cancer, some problem with your throat, and will cost you a lot of money. Then absolutely you will have to drink that. So logically, you are drinking water mixing with your own trash, so we are making our water undrinkable. Without water, you couldn't cook food easily, imagine you want to boil an egg but there is no water, now we should depend absolutely on oil to cook, and eating too much oil is definitely not a good idea, it could lead to obesity, and some serious health problem. Second, household wasted threw to the ocean may affect worse to marine ecosystems. You are too similar with scenes of fish and animal died with wasted inside their bodies. Polluted water may affect to these animals’ health. Without water, tree can not be grown, imagine a wordl without a tree, our air will be polluted. So water pollution could lead to air pollution, it gonna be a bunch of disasters. It also affect one of the most important creatures in the very first day of the world. They are algea, they provide about fifty to eighty percents amount of oxygen in our earth amosphere. It could also partly affect to the economy of these countries, water polluted means fish can not live in there, so farmer couldn't go fishing. But fortunately, at leats there are something we could do to prevent these things. Instead of using plastic which normally take about five hundred years to decompose. There are more options for you to choose. You could reuse your plastic bag and throw it into a right place such as a trash can not into the river you live nearby. Or you could use paper bag and it just takes one month to decompose. But that is not enough. We should encourage industrial company to reduce their waste which is throw directly into the ocean. You could call a police station in your area to report about that company and then they will solve that problems. And the governments should care about water pollution more seriously, we could raise investment from billionaires to do ocean-cleaning projects.There are some big companies that is trying to fix this problem. Like o-ocean, …… or maybe you could do that by yourself. And they have to develop new technology to save water and use them effectively. You could reduce your using water, you shouldn't leave your water runing for nothing. You could encourage people to prevent water pollution, call your friend to clean the river where you are nearby. So together we could prevent this. Water is an essential factor of life, and we should protect. If we don't protect the ocean and rivers, the world we knowed now will not be the same as it used to be, we should prevent water pollution.
I hope you enjoy my paragraph.
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