-Please dad, could I play it, just once? -Whines Johny.

-No is no!- says dad as he put the box of matches on the fridge.

John loves to play with matches. He thinks matches is fun to use. His love for matches is so big that he always buys a box of matches everytime he gets home from school. Realize such dangerous action of John, his dad stops him whenever he touches the match.

-Why can’t I use the matches, dad? -John frowns.

-Matches are danerous!-says dad,-How many time have I told you? Playing with matches harm you!


Suddenly, the bell rings. John’s dad pulls out his phone. His customer is calling for him.

-Stay still, okay? -says him,- Be an angel and go watch TV!

The door finally close. John smiles. He gets a stool nearby and climb on to the fridge. He looks on it. Where is the matches…Oh there it is! He picks his box of matches and sits on the table. With a cheeky smile, he opens it.

“Just this once”, he thinks,”Dad will never khow it!”

He lights up a match. It burns quietly…

-Ouch!- cries John, -So hot!

He throws the match away. However, unfortunatly, the fire begins to enlarge into a big flood of fire.

-What is going on?! -screams John’s dad as he slams the door open.

-Helps, daddy! I am scared! -John cries out with tears.

-Hook up my dear!- Dad commands as he sits down for John to climbs up.

After ten minutes, the firefighters arrived and put out the fire. John keeps crying.

-Kids!- A firefighters said,-From noon, don’t play with matches!

-Yes!-John nods, -I will never play with it once again!

-And do not diobey me and to stupid things, okay? -Dad smiles.

-Yes, dad. I will listen to you from now on.- John laugh.