A space mission from Earth landed on a faraway planet named Bogo. As the astronaut began exploring the rocky planet, he heard what sounded like two people talking. Confused, he walked closer to the source of the noise. It seemed like the conversation was coming from behind a giant rock. He picked up the large rock and was amazed at what he saw: two little green aliens!

 And then Tony slowly walked toward the two little green aliens, he friendly said hello to them. But it seemed like they didn't understand what he said. Then they waved their hands and said something that he didn't understand at all. Seeing him confused about what they said to him, they took out a strange machine and pointed it at him. Magically, the aliens said hi in Tony's language and he can understand what they said now. Tony felt strange but he still talk to them, they talk for a while and Tony pointed at his spaceship and said:

  -My spaceship is broken and I don't know how to fix this, Can you fix them for me?

After hearing what Tony said, they immediately said Tony to move aside so they can fix it. After a few minutes they were done, Tony was impressed by how they can fix this spaceship very fast without needing any tools. Tony thanked them for helping fix his spaceship, if they don't help him then he doesn't know how to get back home. Suddenly, the aliens pointed at the other giant rock and said:" Umm...Can you help us to save our friends, they have been stuck in here for a long time but because the rock is too heavy so we need more people to help us lift this giant rock?" Tony smiled and said: Oh sure, no problem. I have been in the gym for the past 1 month, I can help you with that, it's easy peasy just like eating a cake". They all smiled and continue helping their friends, they lifted the rock and they all survived. They all stand up and thanked Tony for helping them, and you won't believe what happened next!!!

 They dragged Tony to their workplace, tons of aliens were working on a UFO. Tony said in an amazing voice:" OMG!!! I can't believe that I am standing in front of a UFO, I haven't seen it in real life". They then keep walking until there is a door in front of them, Tony is once again confused:" Why is this door here?" They said and giggle:" Just come in, and then you will know what's inside that door". Tony walked in and surprisingly there is a woman in a gorgeous dress and she is wearing a crown on her head. She suddenly said:" Thank you for helping them and I wanted to give you a gift". An alien bring a box of something and walked away, then she continue:" Actually I'm the queen of this planet, and since you visited us you deserved this present, here take this". Tony thanked her and said to the alien:" Wow, your queen is so generous". They all said:" Yeah, that's why she is the queen of this planet and she's really smart too. Let's walk you to the spaceship, you must be hungry and tired now, let's go!!!". Tony and his alien friends walked with him to the spaceship then he said:

 " Today I'm really happy! I met you guys and we had a good time but now it's time to go back home now, I promise I will come back to meet you guys! I promise." Then he climbed on the spaceship and he said the word "Bye" to his friendly alien friends, and it started to fly far and far away until his alien friends didn't see the spaceship anymore. But suddenly a loud voice woke Tony up, it was Tony's partner, Peter! Tony was confused and said:" Where are my alien friends?" He shrugged and said:" You must be dreaming, there is no alien here. By the way, it's time for dinner, let's go eat now!". Still seeing Tony's confusion, he said:" Come on my friend, aliens are not real. They are just in imagination, not in real life. Now come on, let's go eat! They are all waiting for us." Tony still didn't understand what had happened, so he said:" B..but I saw it, you must be mistaken! I saw them in real life. They talk behind that giant rock over there". Peter didn't believe him but still dragged him to the giant rock that Tony pointed for him but nothing was there.

 Peter continued: "See there is nothing there! Now let's go eat, I am hungry!!!". Peter still didn't believe that aliens are not in real life, he turned his back and saw his alien's friend wink at him then wave goodbye to him, he waved back then continued walking with Peter.