A space mission from Earth landed on a faraway planet named Bogo. As the astronaut began exploring the rocky planet, he heard what sounded like two people talking. Confused, he walked closer to the source of the noise. It seemed like the conversation was coming from behind a giant rock. He picked up the large rock and was amazed at what he saw: two little green aliens!

The aliens seemed surprised too so they ran right away. The astronaut tried to talk to them, but it didn’t work. Maybe they were probably still bewildered so they didn't answer him. Unable to do anything, so he continued exploring Bogo. As soon as he left, the two aliens finally came out. Long later, the astronaut had come so far and along the way, he found lots of heavy metals and also iron. But soon later, he felt hungry and decided to return to the spaceship to have some food. When he turned back, he detected both little aliens were hiding behind the rock, it turned out that they followed him. Then, he came closer to them, and surprisingly, they didn’t run anymore, they were still there in spite of they saw him. The aliens talked to each other in a strange language and then, they asked him the reason he came to their planet. He explained that he came to Bogo just to explore the mysterious rocky planet and there weren’t any bad intentions, the aliens believed him. Then he asked them to come to the spaceship if they want, they seemed very interested so they accept instantly. When all of them returned back to the spaceship, the aliens were very surprised and they really liked the things inside, especially the big screen. At that moment, the representatives from the Earth called, and when the astronaut answered, the representatives were very amazed because the green aliens said hello to them, just like the astronaut when he saw the little guys at first. After a while, the representatives soon calmed down and started to ask about the things on the planet, so the astronaut told them what he saw, and also the story of when he met and became friends with the aliens. Not long later, the call soon ended and the aliens told him that they would be pleased to be his guide and took him to an interesting place on the planet where he could see the Earth. Unexpectedly, he had seen the most spectacular view that he hadn’t seen before. Three months later, the astronaut had to return back to Earth, he didn’t forget to say goodbye to his new friends, and he said that he would come back to visit them one day.