He couldn't believe his eyes. Two aliens? There can be no such thing! He blinks a lot, but the two aliens are still talking to each other. Finally, he hesitantly said: "H-hello?" The two aliens startled, looking at him. Perhaps it is wondering, "Where did this person come from?" "Why is this person wearing such weird clothes?" One of the two aliens asked him, "What's your name? Where are you from?" He replied, "My name is Ray, I am from Earth." The alien replied: "Ah, I know that planet. It looks so beautiful!" "Right!" He answered. However, he began to look around. The alien asked "What are you looking at?" "I don't understand, on a planet this big, there are only two aliens living?" The alien said: "I forgot to tell you about it! Actually we live together. Me and my friend's people just came out here to talk some private things!" "Can you two lead me there?" He asks. "Sure!" The alien replied. They lead him to a place far away, where there are many aliens living together. He introduced himself to everyone. They look friendly. He suddenly realized, this place is very dry. "Is there no water or food here?" "We have water and food. But I think our water and food are different from Earthlings!" "I see. Maybe I'm just visiting this place here. I won't bother you anymore!" "Is that so. What a pity." He goes to his spaceship, the aliens follow. He said goodbye to the aliens and returned to Earth. Suddenly he remembered the alien saying: "Ah, I know that planet. It looks so beautiful!" He remembered an article. "Now, in the largest desert on Earth - the Sahara has appeared snow, and in cold places like Antarctica and the North Pole, the snow has melted even more." That's what the article write. He suddenly realized, if this continues, the Earth will become a dead planet. When he returned to Earth, he began to propagate this meaningful message to everyone. And I think those who are reading also need to know how to protect our Earth.